kweenie gossip...

kweenie shortlisted...

kweenie shortlisted...

"i applied for my very first artists residency, me kweenie the introverted extrovert wtaf!...kx"

kweenie shortlisted...

"i applied for my very first artists residency, me kweenie the introverted extrovert wtaf!...kx"

kweenie "troops the colour"...

kweenie "troops the colour"...

"forget Black Friday - this year, i’m celebrating my official birthday (cause well 1 just isn’t enough!) by "trooping the colour" & joining Holly & Co's "Colour Friday"...kx

kweenie "troops the colour"...

"forget Black Friday - this year, i’m celebrating my official birthday (cause well 1 just isn’t enough!) by "trooping the colour" & joining Holly & Co's "Colour Friday"...kx

kweenie merch grows...

kweenie merch grows...

"i started with funky greeting cards to excite the fierce feminist kween but, as promised, now you can get kweenie hardback journals, the must have for every girl boss ready to slay!...kx"

kweenie merch grows...

"i started with funky greeting cards to excite the fierce feminist kween but, as promised, now you can get kweenie hardback journals, the must have for every girl boss ready to slay!...kx"

kweenie merch launch...

kweenie merch launch...

"fancy a kweenie work of pop art that does more than just empower your walls & look gorgeous? not that, that is anything to be sniffed at but...kx"

kweenie merch launch...

"fancy a kweenie work of pop art that does more than just empower your walls & look gorgeous? not that, that is anything to be sniffed at but...kx"

kweenie gives inspirational workshop

kweenie gives inspirational workshop

"...the enthusiasm from the group was amazing, they even humoured me by agreeing to become human spirographs...kx"

kweenie gives inspirational workshop

"...the enthusiasm from the group was amazing, they even humoured me by agreeing to become human spirographs...kx"

kweenie "we see you" collection drops...

kweenie "we see you" collection drops...

"my new 'we see you' collection featuring my biggest original kweenie's to date dropped exclusively today to my kweens...kx"

kweenie "we see you" collection drops...

"my new 'we see you' collection featuring my biggest original kweenie's to date dropped exclusively today to my kweens...kx"

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